Сегодня получила платье от Виктории Бекхам. Размер подошёл, но длину чуть-чуть укорочу, т.к. люблю по-короче. Качество отличное. Доставка тоже порадовала, пришло уведомление на 7 день, получила утром на 8 день. Куда хотела в нём пойти - пойду, всё успели, не ожидала, что так быстро получится. Очень сомневалась, но зря. Спасибо!!!
Лютик из фетра, обвязанный крючком – Уроки Рукоделия
Поделитесь ссылкой на эту статью с друзьями в социальных сетях.
Цветы, рождённые из фетра, не уступают по оригинальности вязаным. Фетр — очень удобный и популярный материал среди рукодельниц, особенно любим начинающими мастерицами. Поскольку он не осыпается, с ним легко и приятно работать. Цветок, который будем делать мы, сможет повторить любой. Вы сейчас убедитесь сами насколько проста технология его изготовления.
Что необходимо для иметь для изготовления маленького двухярусного цветочка?
фетр сиреневого цвета;
шерстяная тонкая пряжа в тон фетру;
Распечатайте выкройку, в ней вы увидите несколько размеров лепестков.
В зависимости от размера, который вам нужен, выбираете два, вырезаете. Шаблон готов.
Прикладываете бумажный цветок к фетру и обводите. У фетра нет ни лица, ни изнанки, поэтому без разницы по какой стороне сделаете обводку.
Вырежьте острыми ножницами.
Сделайте вытачки изнутри цветка.
Закрепите сиреневую нитку и обвяжите каждый лепесток: ст. б/н., *4 возд. п., ст. б/н. * — повторите ещё один раз.
Для верхнего яруса сократите возд. п. до 2.
Соединяя по одной вытачке, сшейте все 6 по изнаночной стороне цветка.
Спереди виден шов похожий на прожилку цветка.
Наложите маленький ярус на крупный и иглой с ниткой прошейте обе детали за серединку.
Выберите бисеринку, которая больше подходит. Пришейте в центр лютика.
Лепестки обвязанные крючком!
Идеально подобранная пряжа превращает гладкую поверхность цветка в пушистую, глядя на него ни за что не скажешь, что он сделан из фетра.
Сиреневый лютик из фетра!
Цветок из фетра, края которого обвязаны крючком тонкой пряжей в тон, — изумительное украшение, сделанное своими руками.
Специально для сайта Уроки Рукоделия Анна Драновская.
Лютики из фетра | Всплеск!
Красивый многослойный лютик из фетра.
Нам понадобится:
фетр толщиной 1 мм розового цвета
фетр толщиной 1 мм сиреневого цвета
фетр толщиной 1 мм зеленого цвета
клеевой пистолет
флористическая проволока диаметром 1,2 мм
Итак, начнем с вырезания из фетра всех необходимых элементов лютика. Кружков нужно вырезать 32, а вырезать их удобнее всего из обычных квадратов. Размер кружков должен чуть больше предыдущего. Здесь нет конкретного диаметра, потому что он зависит от вашего желания, и чем больше диаметр кружков, тем больше будет цветок.
Сделаем центр цветка. Для этого прорезаем щелочку в круглом лепестке, протягиваем в него флористическую проволоку и добавляем немножко клея. Затем, складываем и сжимаем все края, формируя ровный центр цветка.
Далее, равномерно по кругу приклеиваем лепесток за лепестком до тех пор, пока не получи цветок желаемого размера.
А теперь, подобно тому, как мы делали центр, добавляем нижний листок к основанию цветка.
Лютик готов.
Также сделаем пару бутончиков для разнообразия. Вырезаем из квадратов цветы с четырьмя лепестками.
Для каждого бутона понадобится по 2 крестика, одному лепестку и одному листику.
Прорезаем в центре крестика, продеваем проволоку и наносим немного клея на 1 (один) любой лепесток. Затем, склеиваем 2 противоположных лепестка, но только их верхние части, чтобы центр был объемным. Теперь, нанесем немножко клея на 3-й лепесток и приклеим его к 2-м уже склеенным ранее. Тоже самое делаем и с 4-м лепестком. Далее берем крестик цвета зеленого (нижний лепесток) и также прорезаем, продеваем проволоку и приклеиваем поочередно все его лепестки к цветку.
Теперь, все.
Мы сделали яркие неувядающие лютики из фетра, которые гармонично впишутся в свадебный букет или праздничный интерьер.
Империя — Поисковый онлайн видео сервис
Tired of missing premieres at the cinema because of the frenzied rhythm of life? Tired of the fact that on television, the films are being broadcasted at an inconvenient time for you? In your family, often your relatives divide the remote from the TV? The child asks to see cartoons for children, when you are busy, and on the channels there are no good cartoons? And, in the end, Do you just want to relax after a hard day on the sofa in your home clothes for watching an interesting movie or series?
To do this, it is best to always have a favorite site in your bookmarks, which will become your best friend and helper. And how to choose such a site, when there are so many? - you ask. The best choice for you will be imperiya.by
Why our resource? Because it combines many positive features that make it universal, convenient and simple. Here is a list of the main advantages of the resource.
Free access. Many sites ask customers to buy a subscription, than our portal does not deal with, because it believes that people should have free access to the Internet in everything. We do not charge viewers for our viewers!
You do not need any registration and SMS for questionable phone numbers. We do not collect confidential information about our users. Everyone has the right to anonymity on the Internet, which we support.
Excellent video quality. We upload content exclusively in HD format, which certainly can please your favorite users. It is much more pleasant to watch a good movie with a quality picture than with a picture of poor quality.
A huge choice. Here you will find a video for every taste. Even the most inveterate moviegoer will always find what to see from us. For children there are cartoons in good quality, cognitive programs about animals and nature . Men will find interesting channels for themselves about news, sports, cars, as well as about science and technology. And for our beloved women, we picked up a channel about fashion and style, about celebrities, and of course music videos. Having arranged an evening with your family, or with friends, you can pick up a merry family comedy. A loving couple to luxuriate in watching a love melodrama. After a day of work, a thrilling series or a detective helps to relax. Movies in HD format of the new time and past years are presented to absolutely any taste and can satisfy the needs of any viewer.
Ability to download video. Absolutely any material on the site can be downloaded to your computer or USB flash drive. If suddenly you are going to a dacha with a laptop where there is no internet, or you want to watch a movie on a big screen of the TV, you can always download in advance, and then look at the right time. In this case, you do not have to wait for your turn to download the video, as it happens on torrents or other similar sites.
Security. We monitor the cleanliness of the content, every file is checked before uploading. Therefore, there are no viruses and spyware on our site, and we carefully monitor this.
New. We regularly update and add new animations, serials, TV shows, music videos, news, reviews, animated series, etc. to the portal. and all this you can see for free, without registration and SMS. We are trying for you, for our favorite visitors.
Online browsing. On our site, it is not necessary to first download a movie to view it, simply turn it on and enjoy it. Thanks to the professional setup, there will be no braking, and nothing can stop you from watching an interesting movie.
Bookmark. On the site you can click a button with an asterisk to poison the video in the bookmarks and return to it later. Everyone, for certain, happened that he saw on the site an interesting video that you want to see, but right now there is no possibility. This button will help you with this and, having freed yourself, you can easily see what you like.
User-friendly interface. Finding the right video will not take you long, as the site is best adapted to users, and everything is intuitively understandable. Even a child will be able to understand and include for himself a cartoon or some program about animals, nature.
Cinema as art appeared relatively recently, but already managed to closely intertwine with our lives. A lot of people because of the haste of our time for years did not go to the theater, to the gallery or museums. However, it is difficult to imagine a person who did not watch the series or the film for at least a month. Cinema is a synthesis of theater, music, fine arts and literature. Thus, it gives even the most busy person, who does not have time to go to theaters and galleries, to be closer to art and to improve spiritually.
The cinema also occupied the sphere of public entertainment. Watch comedies, fighters, westerns, etc. perfectly fits into any some evening with my family. Horrors perfectly tickle the nerves of even the most fearless person. Cartoons adore children, and some can be viewed by the whole family. Cognitive videos help to expand knowledge, look at the world wider and satisfy your own natural curiosity.
A man in the twenty-first century can no longer imagine his life without the technology of the future, it seems that in the future, machines, robots and technics can replace a person, or rather perform many automatic works, so everyone wants to see what technologies will be in the future. On imperiya.by you do not need to postpone the scan, just add the video to the bookmarks and at any time you can return to it and have a great time watching the quality video.
Do not deny yourself the pleasure, start watching right now! Meet the updates, with new items, choose what you would like to see later. Pleasure yourself and your family with interesting films in good quality!
Видеоновости — Поисковый онлайн видео сервис
Видеоновости — Поисковый онлайн видео сервис
Tired of missing premieres at the cinema because of the frenzied rhythm of life? Tired of the fact that on television, the films are being broadcasted at an inconvenient time for you? In your family, often your relatives divide the remote from the TV? The child asks to see cartoons for children, when you are busy, and on the channels there are no good cartoons? And, in the end, Do you just want to relax after a hard day on the sofa in your home clothes for watching an interesting movie or series?
To do this, it is best to always have a favorite site in your bookmarks, which will become your best friend and helper. And how to choose such a site, when there are so many? - you ask. The best choice for you will be Video-News
Why our resource? Because it combines many positive features that make it universal, convenient and simple. Here is a list of the main advantages of the resource.
Free access. Many sites ask customers to buy a subscription, than our portal does not deal with, because it believes that people should have free access to the Internet in everything. We do not charge viewers for our viewers!
You do not need any registration and SMS for questionable phone numbers. We do not collect confidential information about our users. Everyone has the right to anonymity on the Internet, which we support.
Excellent video quality. We upload content exclusively in HD format, which certainly can please your favorite users. It is much more pleasant to watch a good movie with a quality picture than with a picture of poor quality.
A huge choice. Here you will find a video for every taste. Even the most inveterate moviegoer will always find what to see from us. For children there are cartoons in good quality, cognitive programs about animals and nature . Men will find interesting channels for themselves about news, sports, cars, as well as about science and technology. And for our beloved women, we picked up a channel about fashion and style, about celebrities, and of course music videos. Having arranged an evening with your family, or with friends, you can pick up a merry family comedy. A loving couple to luxuriate in watching a love melodrama. After a day of work, a thrilling series or a detective helps to relax. Movies in HD format of the new time and past years are presented to absolutely any taste and can satisfy the needs of any viewer.
Ability to download video. Absolutely any material on the site can be downloaded to your computer or USB flash drive. If suddenly you are going to a dacha with a laptop where there is no internet, or you want to watch a movie on a big screen of the TV, you can always download in advance, and then look at the right time. In this case, you do not have to wait for your turn to download the video, as it happens on torrents or other similar sites.
Security. We monitor the cleanliness of the content, every file is checked before uploading. Therefore, there are no viruses and spyware on our site, and we carefully monitor this.
New. We regularly update and add new animations, serials, TV shows, music videos, news, reviews, animated series, etc. to the portal. and all this you can see for free, without registration and SMS. We are trying for you, for our favorite visitors.
Online browsing. On our site, it is not necessary to first download a movie to view it, simply turn it on and enjoy it. Thanks to the professional setup, there will be no braking, and nothing can stop you from watching an interesting movie.
Bookmark. On the site you can click a button with an asterisk to poison the video in the bookmarks and return to it later. Everyone, for certain, happened that he saw on the site an interesting video that you want to see, but right now there is no possibility. This button will help you with this and, having freed yourself, you can easily see what you like.
User-friendly interface. Finding the right video will not take you long, as the site is best adapted to users, and everything is intuitively understandable. Even a child will be able to understand and include for himself a cartoon or some program about animals, nature.
Cinema as art appeared relatively recently, but already managed to closely intertwine with our lives. A lot of people because of the haste of our time for years did not go to the theater, to the gallery or museums. However, it is difficult to imagine a person who did not watch the series or the film for at least a month. Cinema is a synthesis of theater, music, fine arts and literature. Thus, it gives even the most busy person, who does not have time to go to theaters and galleries, to be closer to art and to improve spiritually.
The cinema also occupied the sphere of public entertainment. Watch comedies, fighters, westerns, etc. perfectly fits into any some evening with my family. Horrors perfectly tickle the nerves of even the most fearless person. Cartoons adore children, and some can be viewed by the whole family. Cognitive videos help to expand knowledge, look at the world wider and satisfy your own natural curiosity.
A man in the twenty-first century can no longer imagine his life without the technology of the future, it seems that in the future, machines, robots and technics can replace a person, or rather perform many automatic works, so everyone wants to see what technologies will be in the future. On site you do not need to postpone the scan, just add the video to the bookmarks and at any time you can return to it and have a great time watching the quality video.
Do not deny yourself the pleasure, start watching right now! Meet the updates, with new items, choose what you would like to see later. Pleasure yourself and your family with interesting films in good quality!